We found 138 listings in Canada order by most recently updated.

At least 2 beds
House in Pierrefonds, Canada
Not available for exchange
  • 7 7
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: Yes
Non-smoking house: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View CA1032
Maison coquette à Montréal dans un quartier paisible/ Cute house in calm neighbourhood in Montreal, Canada
Not available for exchange
  • 7 7
  • 2 2
  • 4 4
Use/Exchange of car: Yes
Non-smoking house: Yes
Pet care wanted: Yes
Requested destinations View CA1018275
Maison de plein pied aux couleurs de la nature soit rouge jaune et vert, dans la belle région des Laurentides au bord de l'eau.
Exchange dates not defined
  • 10 10
  • 7 7
  • 3 3
Use/Exchange of car: No
Non-smoking house: No
Pet care wanted: No
View CA53014
Lake living in the Laurentians, within one-hour drive from downtown Montreal
Not available for exchange
  • 4 4
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: Yes
Non-smoking house: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View CA1016590
Maison à Québec, quartier Sainte-Foy
Not available for exchange
  • 6 6
  • 2 2
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: Yes
Non-smoking house: Yes
Pet care wanted: No
Requested destinations View CA2011
A lovely and newer 2-bedroom condo in a small town on the banks of a river in Southern Ontario.
Exchange dates not defined
  • 4 4
  • 1 1
  • 0 0
Use/Exchange of car: No
Non-smoking house: No
Pet care wanted: No
View CA53747