
Turjak, Slovenia

Portorož - 90 km away.

Portorož - 90 km away.

Postojna cave - visitor train.

Postojna cave - visitor train.

Rogaška Slatina - 80 km eastern from Ljubljana - nearest monestery Olimje

Rogaška Slatina - 80 km eastern from Ljubljana - nearest monestery Olimje


Member since


Open for exchange

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For July and August 2024 we have already made an exchange. But we are looking to go somewhere in 2025 with a temperature between 20 - 30 degrees celsius (maybe with pool too).

A 13 years old passive house in the small village in the nature, near the forest. Slovenia is so small (with 2 hours of driving and you are on the border of Croatia, Austria, Italy), that you could visit a lot of historical, traditional, sacral objects, enyoj in mountains, lakes and adriatic sea. We have a small (5 seats) and a big (7 seats) car (driving on high road is free for charge - with big car).
The house has two floors and a garage, a small fitnes, three bathrooms, a kitchen, an office... and friendly neighbors.

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Our Family

  • 2 Adults
  • 3 Children
  • 4 Exchanges made


  • Teacher and commercialist

Our Home

  • House Type: House
  • Environment: In the country
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Sleeping Capacity: 8
  • Living Area: 400 m2
  • Total Area: 950 m2


In my house

  • Pets - Allowed
  • Small children - Allowed

Exchange Types

  • Home exchange


  • Free internet access
  • Computer available
  • Air conditioning
  • Central heating
  • Fireplace
  • Toys and games
  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Clothes dryer
  • Television
  • Guitar


  • Garden
  • Terrace or deck
  • Park / playground
  • BBQ
  • Garage / private parking
  • Bicycles: 6


  • Non-smoking house
  • Use/Exchange of car
  • Seclusion/Privacy
  • Pet care wanted

Our Destination Wish List

  • Open to any destination
  • London, UK
  • Iceland
  • Turkey
  • Malta
  • France
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Portugal

Spoken Languages

  • English
  • Slovenian

Our Neighbourhood

Nearest Airport: Ljubljana - 25 km

  • golfing Bled - Castle (82.2 km)
  • forest Logarska dolina (104.6 km)
  • lake Bohinj (108.2 km)

Out of the city village, that is also very close (2 km) to the local market, post office, restaurants, playing grounds, sports fields...
In the village are 15 houses, is very quiet and peacefull, sourraunded with nature and forest. In the middle of the village is a farm in which you can see farm animals. You can also try to ride a horse.
The all distences are calculeted from Ljubljana.

Nearest Airports
Maribor - Slovenia 130 km
Zagreb - Croatia - 130 km
Pula - Croatia - 130 km
Trieste - Italy - 130 km
Venice - Italy - 200 km
Klagenfurt - Austria 100 km
Wien - Austria 160 km

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  • Teacher and commercialist


  • Girl - Age: 28
  • Girl - Age: 25
  • Girl - Age: 16


  • Fish aquarium
  • Two cats


Free-minded, healthy family that loves spending time with our neighbours, friends and in nature or playing sports.

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This member has completed 4 home exchanges. Those referenced below may contain feedback/impression from its exchange partners: